Updated (most recent first) Updated (oldest first) Name (A => Z) Name (Z => A) Size (ascending) Size (descending) Distance (ascending) Distance (descending) Created (most recent first) Created (oldest first)
42 properties found
Reading, RG1
Offices To Let
1 to 100 Desks
London, WC21
To Let
12 to 36 Desks
London, SE1
Offices / Offices To Let
1,740 sq ft
Wokingham, RG41
Bournemouth, BH2
Offices / Retail / Offices To Let
6,415 sq ft
London, SM4
100 to 1,535 sq ft
2,755 to 11,000 sq ft
Winchester, SO23
1,490 to 12,368 sq ft
Southampton, SO15
Other / Offices / Retail To Let
5,000 to 60,000 sq ft